Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hello All,

I am writing on behalf of my dear friend, Kaurie, because she is in desperate need of your generosity. Her daughter has Amelio Genesis Imperfecta. This is a genetic disorder that caused her teeth to form without enamel. Her teeth are crumbling which has triggered a life-threatening and incredibly painful infection. She needs immediate oral surgery to remove all but six of her teeth, the bone prepped for preservation, and eventually dentures. This will cost $7,000, which is far more than Kaurie has been able to save. Kaurie has applied for and been denied for credit to pay for this operation, so her last resort is a grant from

Modest Needs is a non-profit organization that takes in donations and uses the funds to provide grants for people in need. Kaurie’s grant request has been accepted by Modest Needs, but it still requires funding from people like us. When you make a tax-refundable donation to Modest Needs, your account is credited with points (1 point per dollar donated) and you can apply those points to any grant request in their network. Kaurie needs 6,598 points to receive her grant for her daughter’s surgery.

Any contribution is gratefully received. Kaurie’s daughter needs this surgery as soon as possible. If you can make a small donation to this cause, please review Kaurie’s request here Application 150838. After registering with Modest Needs you can make a tax-deductable donation to the organization and the corresponding points will be allocated to your Modest Needs account. Please then apply these points to application #150838.

Kaurie, her daughter, and I thank you in advance for your generosity. Your donations will go directly to saving a young woman’s life and giving her an opportunity to live her first pain-free days in nearly a decade.

Thank you again,
PS: Please forward this request to as many people as possible. The more people who donate, the faster Kaurie's daughter can get into surgery.

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